2% (20,000). 04% annually and its population has decreased by-3. 36: Land area in square miles, 2010: 134. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 56: 1: About datasets used in this table. Zoom in to see county- and tract-level data. 09: FIPS Code: 2505595: About datasets used in this table. 3: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 48: About datasets used in this table. 45: Land area in square miles, 2010: 302. 8: Population per square mile, 2010: 282. 8 sq mi (217. Zoom in to see county- and tract-level data. In 2021, Bromsgrove was home to around 3. 00: Land area in square miles, 2010: 809. Today, twenty people per square mile. 0: Land area in square miles, 2020: 51. 64: FIPS Code: 3651000: About datasets used in this table. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. 3: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 04: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesHere are the 27 counties with the lowest population densities in the US: 27. Value Notes. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. 26: Land area in square miles, 2010: 34. Value NotesFact Notes (a) Includes persons reporting only one race (c) Economic Census - Puerto Rico data are not comparable to U. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 13: About datasets used in this table. Population per square mile, 2020: 25. This map shows the population density—expressed as persons per square mile—from the 2020 Census at the state, county, and census tract levels. 7% Gender ratio 0. The low population density means the county lacks some amenities such as major shopping outlets, Lytle said. 1: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 53009: About datasets used in this table. 1: 87. Population The following table illustrates the change in. 6% In civilian labor force, female, percent of population age 16 years+, 2017-2021Spanning over 143 miles, Detroit has a population density of 4,478 people per square mile. 47: Land area in square miles, 2010: 44. 4%: Total accommodation and food services sales, 2017 ($1,000) 174,657: Total health care and social assistance receipts/revenue, 2017 ($1,000) 778,243No. 1: Land area in square miles, 2020: 810. 8: Population per square mile, 2010: 67. Country Population Land area (sq mi) Density per sq mi Country Population Land area (sq mi) Density per sq mi; Macau S. The population density of these states has exceeded the number 107,000 per square mile. Value NotesThe U. 03 people per square kilometer. 0: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 55: About datasets used in this table. 98: Land area in square miles, 2010: 315. 7: Population per square mile, 2010: 239. Glades County emerges as the state’s least densely populated county with only 24 persons per square mile, whereas Broward County has the highest density of 5,070 persons per square mile. 2: Land area in square miles, 2020: 16. 0: 87. 67: Land area in square miles, 2010: 51. 09: Land area in square miles, 2010: 15. 04: Land area in square miles, 2010: 160. Population Change. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 26. The following ranking. While the population density inside U. This page reports on the population distribution in The Loop, both in terms of raw head counts, and in terms of population density per square mile. One square mile employed in formula is 2. cities Cities Population Area Density Ethnic identity Foreign-born Income Spanish speakers By decade Urban areas Populous cities and metropolitan areas Metropolitan areas 563 primary statistical areas 175 combined statistical areas 939 core-based statistical areas 384 metropolitan statistical areas Urbanization in the United States While the United States is not very densely populated compared to other countries, its population density has increased significantly over the past few decades. 04: Land area in square miles, 2010: 6. 83. Zoom in to see county- and tract-level data. 1: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 06: About datasets used in this table. Bromsgrove is a local government district in Worcestershire,. 24: FIPS Code: 3314200: About datasets used in this table. Population. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 14. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 69. Virginia currently enjoys a growth rate of 1. The population has decreased by 1. Value NotesIn civilian labor force, total, percent of population age 16 years+, 2017-2021: 51. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 0. population (316 million in 2013) by the total U. 6: Land area in square miles, 2020: 229. 9: 87. cities Cities Population Area Density Ethnic identity Foreign-born Income Spanish speakers By decade Urban areas Populous cities and metropolitan. 04: FIPS Code: 2756896: About datasets used in this table. 9: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 42: About datasets used in this table. . 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: 15. . Value Notes. 7: Population per square mile, 2010: 66. MARLIN LEVISON/Star Tribune via Getty Images 26. 79: FIPS Code: 0653000: About datasets used in this table. 6%. In terms of population, it ranks 21st. Oregon is ranked number 27 out of 56 U. Population per square mile, 2010: 432. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 167. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 350. Population density ranged from 10 persons per square mile in Liberty County to 3,348 persons per square mile in Pinellas County. 76: Land area in square miles, 2010: 2. A. This is over 3. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 15. This is over 3. 7: 87. The total area in Oregon is 98,378. Population per square mile, 2010: 42. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 653. Population per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 106. “You don’t have the retail base, the tax base. 25: Land area in square miles, 2010: 14. Utah Gender and Religion Statistics. Population 99,475 View trend Life expectancy 83 years View trend Major ethnic 93% White View breakdown Age structure Population Average age Life expectancy Area type Non-metropolitan District Population Density 458 Population growth 0. 5: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 19: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 57. S. This map shows the population density—expressed as persons per square mile—from the 2020 Census at the state, county, and census tract levels. S. 71: FIPS Code: 28039: About datasets used in this table. 9%. 1: Population per square mile, 2010: 63. Economic Census data (b) Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in applicable race categories Value Flags-Either no or too few sample observations were available to compute an estimate, or a ratio of medians. • Est. 59: Land area in square miles, 2010: 34. [1] Countries and dependencies by population density See also 1,200/sq mi (460/km 2) • Ethnicity. The population per square mile of Bromsgrove is 1,187. 94: Land area in square miles, 2010: 282. 7: Population per square mile, 2010: 196. 9%. 259: 800 Population Per Square Mile to Square Kilometers Per Person = 0. 4: Population per square mile, 2010: 18. 6: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 30003: About datasets used in this table. 28. 05: FIPS Code: 4748000: About datasets used in this table. George is currently the 17th growing metropolitan area in the country. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. The population density of these states has exceeded the number 107,000 per square mile. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 20: 1: About datasets used in this table. 95 male to female english main language 98% birth rate 9. This is 31. Population per square mile, 2020: 636. 5: Land area in square miles, 2020: 21. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 46: 1: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 147. 8: 87. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 673. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 61. 6: Population per square mile, 2010: 283. Virginia has 11 Metropolitan Statistical Areas. 7: Population per square mile, 2010: 239. Population Density per Square Mile of Countries ; Population Density per Square Mile of Countries. Value NotesIncorporated places with a density of over 10,000 people per square mile. 9: 87. 82: Land area in square miles, 2010: 0. The average household income in . Most of the population lived in England, where an estimated 56. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 412. 2. Antlered Bucks. Figure 3. Urbanization in the United States While the United States is not very densely populated compared to other countries, its population density has increased significantly over the past few decades. S. 3: Population per square mile, 2010: 1. cities (about 1,600 people per square mile) is much greater than that of unincorporated areas (about 35 people per square mile), density levels still vary quite a bit from city to city, and even across different neighborhoods within a single city. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 68. S. The report says that the highest population density is in the countries of Manilla and Philippines. Population per square mile, 2020: 93. Value NotesQuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties, and for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 142. Figure 3 shows the median population density per census block for counties in Florida; it ranges from 72 persons per square mile in Holmes County to 8,343 persons per square mile in Miami-Dade County. average for population density is 93. 8%. S. 4 per cent under-10s and 20. 46: FIPS Code: 1320064: About datasets used in this table. 31: FIPS Code: 13013: About datasets used in this table. The current population is estimated at 8,626,210, an increase of over 380,000 since the official census in 2010. value is calculated by dividing the total U. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 35: 1: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: 2. 49: Land area in square miles, 2010: 468. 46. Population per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 134. The median rental costs in recent years comes to -per month, and the median house value is-. Since. 26: FIPS Code: 2302795: About datasets used in this table. The current population is estimated at 8,626,210, an increase of over 380,000 since the official census in 2010. Value Notes426,769. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2020: Population per square mile, 2010: Land area in square miles, 2020: 45. 0: 87. 7: Population per square mile, 2010: 738. . 9%: 63. Population per square mile, 2020: 62. Rank: Region: Local Authority: Population: 1998: Land Area: Square Miles: Population per Square Mile: Population per Square Kilometer: 1: London: Kensington and Chelsea Population per square mile, 2010: 10. 96: Land area in square miles, 2010: 64. 4: Land area in square miles, 2020: Land area in square miles, 2010: FIPS Code: 06: 1: About datasets used in this table. Scope: population of The Loop and selected other neighborhoods in Chicago A historical look at Deer density in the United States – where are you most likely to harvest a deer? From a hunter’s standpoint, the best population density for deer is whichever number guarantees they’ll always be able to go deer hunting – and have something to show for their trouble. 3. 9 bucks taken per square mile of area. 2673. Census Bureau and is from the 2020 U. 99: Land area in square miles, 2010: 68. 589988110336 square kilometers (km 2). Population per square mile, 2020: 253. Toggle Area subsection. Population density is defined as the population per (divided by) land area. 89: FIPS Code: 0687042: About datasets used in this table. It also shows the area has seen a rise in the proportion of both young children and the elderly – a decade ago the population was made up of 10. (February 2022) Population tables of U. This is lower than the overall increase for England. 0%: 63. In 2011, people living in Bromsgrove were 49. The provision allowing the inclusion of distinctly urban land uses has been part of the UA criteria since it was adopted for the 1950 census. The U. 93: FIPS Code: 13187: About datasets used in this table. Value NotesPopulation per square mile, 2010: 76. 7% per year.