Sunday, February 13th– 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00AM Parishioners of St. St. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-735133. St. Stephen Church, our Lector was Larry Fitzgerald, our Cantor was Lisa Zolkiewicz. Skip quick links. Today is the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. Lee Hellwig as he celebrates the September 26, 2021 Mass. Merry Christmas! Join Msgr. 2022 Mass. Home. Phone: (203) 248-3114 | Business Office: (203) 248-0141 |We welcome new students at St. Rita School is an extraordinary place to receive an education. Rita School. by Spotify. T. Reverend Christopher M. Permission to podcast the music. Today's Mass includes a poignant homily by Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca that examines the current political and social atmosphere in the country, as well as a special prayer written by Pope Francis calling for national unity and an end to racism. Rita Church, our Lector was Elizabeth Rivera, our Cantor was Lisa Zolkiewicz-Ives, with Altar Server Grace Kirby and Musical Director Jim Teti. Recorded at St. Permission to stream the podcast in this service obtained from ONE. Paul VI Hamden St. Parish Events. St. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the July 4, 2021 Mass. ”. 2023 Saint Paul Bulletin June 25, 2023 Saint Paul Bulletin June 18, 2023 Saint Paul Bulletin June 11, 2023 Saint Paul Bulletin June 4, 2023 Saint Paul Bulletin MaySt. 1-800-477-4574 St. Rita School is a Catholic Parish elementary school located in Hamden, Connecticut, serving students from pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. Join Monsignor Joe DiSciacca for the June 21, 2020 Mass, which includes a special blessing for fathers as we celebrate Father's Day. Lee Hellwig as he celebrates the October 3, 2021 Mass and hear the decree from the Archbishop on the formation of the new unified Hamden parish. Please follow St. . Skip quick links. Skip to Main Content. Rita Church. Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-735133. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the Sunday Mass for February 28, 2021 at St. Joe DiSciacca as he celebrates the November 7, 2021 Mass. SERVICE. Jesus, I Trust In You. m. Paul VI Hamden By St. Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A. Permission to podcast the music in this service. Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A-735133. , Hamden, CT; Monday-Friday: 9:00am – 3:00pm; Staff. Paul VI Parish consists of the former Christ the Bread of Life, Divine Mercy and Our Lady of Mount Carmel parishes in Hamden, Connecticut. Recorded at St. Join Deacon Joseph Ryzewski and Father Paul McLaughlin as they celebrates the June 13, 2021 Mass. 4:00PM Vigil For the People of St. Mass was performed by Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca and was recorded at St. Rosary Saturday mornings at 7:30 AM in St. Today is the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Rita Church Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, 7:00 pm, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Seven Last Words of Christ, Spanish, 7:00 pm, Blessed Sacrament Church Holy Saturday, April 16,. m. St. Paul VI Parish consists of the former Christ the Bread of Life, Divine Mercy and Our Lady of Mount Carmel parishes in Hamden, Connecticut. 10th Avenue North Riverside, IL 60546 Directions 708-447-1020 Email Office Hours St. Rita School. Performers include Donald Alfano, Art Bellucci, Sarah Cantafio, Julie Mountcastle, Paul Saubestre, James Teti, Larry Wissink and Lisa Zolkiewicz-Ives. com Revised January 5, 2023. Paul VI Parish Concert: May 12, 2023Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the May 2, 2021 Mass. Joe DiSciacca as he celebrates the December 12, 2021 Mass. St. 1601 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT 06517. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the August 22, 2021 Mass. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca, Lector Jennifer Danielle and Cantor Julie Mountcastle for the July 19, 2020 Mass. FAITH. 1-800-477-4574 • Publication Support 1-800-888-4574 • Divine Mercy Parish, Hamden, CT 03-0111 aidex MIKE’S AUTO Builders &CLINIC 28 Gorham Avenue ForeiGn & Domestic repairs John Argo 203-281-3171. Sunday: 9am | Monday: No Mass | Tuesday: 6:00pm | Wednesday: School Mass Thursday: 8:30am | Friday: 8:30am | Saturday morning: 8:30am | Saturday Vigil: 6pmmove forward in establishing this parish together. Rejoice! For He Is Risen! Monsignor Joe DiSciacca celebrates Easter Mass as he keeps the parishioners of Divine Mercy in his thoughts and prayers. Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca is joined by our Lector Elizabeth Keeny-Rivera, Cantor Julie Mountcastle, Musical Director Jim Teti and Altar Server Grace Kirby. You Are Warm Invited to Try Alpha. Burlington Street Riverside, IL 60546 Directions 708-447-1020 Email Office Hours St. CT for March 22, 2020. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the May 2, 2021 Mass. Recorded at St. Paul VI Parish Picnic. Paul VI Hamden St. Join Rev. Rita Church. Phone: (203) 248-3114 | Business Office: (203) 248-0141 |St. ” Today is the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the July 11, 2021 Mass. Stephen Church. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca and Deacon Joseph Ryzewski as they celebrate the March 28, 2021 Palm Sunday Mass at St. Paul VI Parish, 2819 Whitney Avenue, Hamden. St. Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A-735133. ” Today is the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Tiano to serve as the founding pastor of Saint Paul VI Parish, Hamden, effective January 5, 2022. Tiano to serve as the founding pastor of Saint Paul VI Parish,. Join Monsignor Joe DiSciacca for another helping of spiritual communion as we celebrate the March 29, 2020 Mass at Divine Mercy Parish. Permission. St. McGrath Monday, January 3rd 7:30AM Celine Finn Tuesday, January 4th-St. St. Recorded at St. Hugh Faith Formation Center 2400 S. is a Catholic. Paul VI Hamden St. Father Lavorgna will lie in state on Monday, February 13th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM in Our Lady of Mt. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the May 30, 2021 Mass. Skip to main contentToday we celebrate the Solemn Feast of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Media. Mary School 97 Herrick Road Riverside, IL 60546 Directions 708-442-5747 Fax: 708-442-0125St. Features Switch to Anchor Ads by Anchor BlogJoin Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the May 24, 2020 Mass. A Mass of Christian Burial will follow in St Paul VI Parish (St. Paul VI Parish umfasst of the former Christ the Loot for Life, Godlier Mercy and Ours Lady of Mount Carmel parishes in Hamden, Connection. St. Paul VI Hamden St. Rita Church. Joe DiSciacca as he celebrates the December 25, 2021 Mass. "Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour. Join Msgr. Skip quick links. Recorded at St. Permission to podcast the music in this service. DapkusEleanor M. Paul VI Parishioners Ascension 9:00AM Carlo, Rosa and Alessandro Divirgilio req. Paul VI Parish Sunday, January 2nd- 9:00AM Rev. Our Mass was led by Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca, who was joined by Deacon Joseph Ryzewski, Lectors Michael Mazzariello and Cathy Nicefaro, our Cantor Julie Mountcastle and Musical Director Jim Teti. Today is the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Our Cantor was Lisa Zolkiewicz-Ives, with musical accompaniment by Jim Teti. Paul Bulletins Saint Paul Bulletin July 23, 2023 Saint Paul Bulletin July 16, 2023 Saint Paul Bulletin July 9, 2023 Saint Paul Bulletin July 2. Paul VI Parish consists of the former Christ the Bread of Life, Divine Mercy and Our Lady of Mount Carmel parishes in Hamden, Connecticut. Paul VI Parish. 13 MAY 2023 St. For directions and more information, please visit our Mass & Reconciliation. Paul VI Parish Mt. Today is the 4th Sunday of Advent. Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from ONE. MacDonald 11:30AM Rev. Paul VI, Mysterium Fidei, The Mystery of Faith 1965. Today is the 2nd Sunday of Advent. We want you to know about our school and its history, understand our values, and learn more about the outstanding people who make. 488 likes · 15 talking about this · 61 were here. St. Watch on. Robert D. 1601 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT 06517. Paul VI Parish consists of the former Christ the Bread of Life, Divine Mercy and Our Lady of Mount Carmel parishes in Hamden, Connecticut. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the May 9, 2021 Mass. Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with. Permission to podcast the music in this. Recorded at St. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the May 30, 2021 Mass. Jesus, I Trust In You. Rita Church. Skip to Main Content. Tiano, S. The prayer “For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world” is the core of the chaplet. Pastor. Join Msgr. Join Monsignor Joe DiSciacca as he celebrates the May 17, 2020 Mass. Today is the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. Paul VI Parish. St. Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca is joined by our Lector Elizabeth Keeny-Rivera, Cantor Julie Mountcastle, Musical Director Jim Teti and Altar Server Grace Kirby. St. Skip quick links. Hamden, CT hamdencatholic. Join Msgr. Today is Pentecost Sunday. 1. Weekly Bulletin. Saint Paul VI ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH Hamden, CT Ascension Church Blessed Sacrament Church Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church Saint Rita Church 1050 Dunbar Hill Rd. I will also like to appoint a Finance Committee of St. Parishes Online | Live Your Faith, Wherever Life Takes YouSt. Please follow St. Click here to download a registration form. 1601 Whitney Avenue, Hamden, CT 06517. Joe DiSciacca as he celebrates the November 14, 2021 Mass. Skip to Main Content. Permission to podcast the music in this service. Join Msgr. “We went to Mass every day. Paul VI Parish consists of the former Christ the Bread of Life, Divine Mercy and Our Lady of Mount Carmel parishes in Hamden, Connecticut. Join Msgr. Office Hours. The Saint Paul VI Council #14664 of Hamden, Ct. Join Monsignor Joe DiSciacca for another helping of spiritual communion as we celebrate the March 29, 2020 Mass at Divine Mercy Parish. St. Sunday 9:00 a. Performers include Donald Alfano, Art Bellucci, Sarah Cantafio, Julie Mountcastle, Paul Saubestre, James Teti, Larry Wissink and Lisa. St. Today is the 23nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is a prayer that calls us to be attentive to the. Permission to podcast the music in this. Paul VI Hamden By St. Eleanor M. Paul VI Parish. The planning committee is working to bring you a fun-filled day. Our lector was Cathy Nicefaro, our cantor was Julie Mountcastle, and our Music Director is Jim. Paul VI Parish Knights of Columbus want to thank all who attended our trivia night…, it was a blast!. Rita, Hamden, CT 03-0111 PARADISE NURSERIES ANNUALS PERENNIALS HOUSE PLANTS POTTERYHamden Parish—St. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the July 25, 2021 Mass. Permission to podcast the. Save the Date! Sunday, September 10, 2023 at Ascension Church, 1050 Dunbar Hill Road. Rita Church. Saint Paul VI Parish 2. 400 Ridge Rd Hamden, CT - 06517 (203) 288-6439 Mass Schedule. Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A-735133. Rita Church, our cantor was Lisa Zolkiewicz-Ives, with music by Jim Teti. Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from. By St. “There was so much peace. If you are interested in receiving further information and/or scheduling a tour of the school, please give us a call at (203) 248-3114 or send your contact information through email. Join Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca as he celebrates the September 5, 2021 Mass. Skip to main contentTonight we present a concert featuring musicians and guests from St. St. Rita School is a Catholic Parish elementary school located in Hamden, Connecticut, serving students from pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. Paul VI will be held each Tuesday at 6:30PM in St. Permission to podcast the music in this service. Interment will be private and at the convenience of the family. Thank you to all the St. Mass was performed by Monsignor Joseph DiSciacca and was recorded at St.