Now the scratch coat of structo-lite is dry and hard. Why, because the mortar will fill all the gaps under the tub and reduce the chance or even better eliminate the chances of any squeeking. Re: "Soft spot in tub" Author: packy (MA) If the repair will be done by a factory authorized company then you will OK. Recommended over metal lath for float or texture finish only, not smooth-trowel finish. USG Gypsum Structolite (1950-1975), USG Mineral-based Cafco Sound-Shield™, USG Structo-Lite-Perlited Gypsum™ plaster (also see Perlite discussed. Re: Cure time for Structo lite plaster. Hands-down the easiest stuff to put under a tub/shower or pan is Structolite plaster. I wouldn't use structolite under a tub, but I am not a plumber. A huge advantage of new construction is being able to use one-piece showers and tub sets. The front of this tub has a well-finished appearance. Compare $ 789. In recnt years many of the tubs/stalls come with a styrofoam foundation. And congrats, it’s #1 as a google search under “structolite tutorial”. If you have track that runs under your scenery, if you can seal it by painting all the better otherwise I'd recommend a harder more stable plaster like Hydrocal. Nov 16, 2007. It is light because it's mixed with perlite. davidmeiland | Feb 07, 2007 10:57pm | #3. USG Sheetrock® Brand Structo-Lite® 50 lb. Lightweight (when dry) and will support tub well. Room is concrete floor, shower drain sink plumbing and toilet is roughed in. Does it make sense to ditra under the tub, maybe then cover with 1/4" CBU or plywood? Pretty nice day today -- and I'll be inside testing the supply lines and starting the subflooring :crazy: AMIRCHEL. The video is a pretty good representation of what to do. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. " Years ago-----Still makes me angry, I fixed it,"the kids never go in there. Set the tub, hook everything up, drain, etc. or even set a tub. Welcome to John Bridge / Tile Your World, the friendliest DIY Forum on the InternetSenior Plumbing Expert. Posts: 78. So much for Gypsolite. Wendy had contacted the movers and scheduled a date for a group of pros to help. Is this ideal? Or is more of a concrete/Mortar. Senda plumber friend taught me this way. Finally attacked the one weak floor joist in my 6'x10' bathroom. He left the remainder of the bag for me to use when levelling the floor. Mill-mixed perlite-aggregate. Started my scenery. Remember, you want that solid feeling under your feet, and of course tile and grout do not like to flex. I am in Tucson and this stuff was a nightmare to find. The finish coat should be applied over the basecoat once it has set but is still damp. I am installing an acrylic bathtub and the installation directions prompt the installer (me) to add a bed of mortar to the subfloor to support the tub bottom and soundproof the. Or, of course, you could do it the. If you have the skirted tub measure the depth from the bottom of the legs to the bottom of the tub. I need to find a way to get them out of there without poison, so they don't die and rot where I can't get them, or get eaten by our pets. If I install a whirlpool tub, the manufacturer often recommends mudding it in. Also, I always add a extra fiberglass in the tub cavities as well, prior to setting, helps keep the tub warmer. I never allow a tub to sit on tile, although the finish lines will be smoother. Is this true or should I use a true SLC? The floor is only real bad in one 2 X 2 spot. structuro lite is a base coat plaster that is gypsum based. Overview. 03-26-2007, 02:17 PM. Being gypsum based the plaster will come apart and flake when there is water intrusion from a leak or a mopping. Ideal for locations where an aggregate is unavailable. 2. well, structo lite is not mortar. This is the absolute strongest bond known to man. Some foam is expanding, which on some tubs can push up the bottom. In the case of a tub, fill with water for weight. The drain takes a piece of 2" PVC. Rectangular Soaking Bathtub with Reversible Drain in White. It requires a lime-gauging finish plaster containing a fine aggregate to control surface cracking, such as Red Top Gauging plaster - aggregated. Sprayed water on the dried plaster cloth. Then you have to lift the tub out and start over. Tile the floor with thinset. x 32 in. Was thinking of spraying a strong bitterns gas under there and flushing them out that way, or maybe using a loud sound device to scare them away -----I always use a mortarbed for installation of anything but steel or cast iron tubs. interesting dan i thought we were the only ones useing structolite. Foam can raise the tub as it expands, best to weigh it down on the base and place a couple temp boards around the top screwed to the framing to keep it in place. well, structo lite is not mortar. Finally attacked the one weak floor joist in my 6'x10' bathroom. Will it expand? no. Structolite as floor leveler Tile Forum/Advice Board. Mix it up real good as the stuff is light and floats on water. This unit is crafted from an Acrylx applied -Acrylic finish reinforced with Armorcore. 020 Cambridge Apron-Front Americast Soaking Bathtub Right Hand Drain, 5 ft x 32 in, White. or not. The tubs from American Standard are made to make people happy, like the American Standard Evolution bathtub. If you want the tub to have a cast iron/solid feel at the bottom, add a layer of mortar (I prefer structolite) and set the tub in that. I've used gypsolite for years under tubs of all kinds. I'm seeing some light pink splotchiness all over the base. Being gypsum based the plaster will come apart and flake when there is water intrusion from a leak or a mopping. We guess that USG never considered that Structolite would. arduino code to turn on led with button; special orthogonal group; logistics jobs in coimbatore for freshers1 - 20 of 29 Posts. Home owner said,"oh,We know about that. is this an issue with stapled up. Make sure you use a bedding material such as Structolite gypsum or Mortar under the tub and make very sure that it's very level or the walls won't work right. Mill-mixed perlite-aggregate gypsum plaster, requires only the addition of water at the. Yes you can smooth it but use a stiff brush and stipple it as it sets up it looks great. My husband is in a hurry and wants to do the patch fast with a pre-mixed product that comes in a tub from the local big box store. I believe the floor is 7/16 osb embedded in fiberglass. Anonymous 12/4/2018 at 1:18 PM. Structolite as floor leveler. It can be applied by hand or machine over gypsum or metal lath, clay tile, concrete or cinder blocks and other approved plaster bases. #2. You'll want an aggregate in the mix, I use pea gravel. chances are the factory installed pads. Yup absolutely. Mix up a bag of thinset mortar to be about toothpaste consistency. Should I apply a coat of primer/ sealer to the Structolite before I tile? If so what product would you recommend? More Information: -The Structolite has a light texture toLike John, we like to put the mortar down in such a way that the tub pushes it down and spreads it. Being gypsum based the plaster will come apart and flake when there is water intrusion from a leak or a mopping. Structolite mixing for bathtub mortar bed. Re: out of date Structolite problem. Adding more water than stated, doesn't change the cure rate, but does affect. I wouldn't use structolite under a tub, but I am not a plumber. Applied the Structo-Lite approx. I wouldn't use structolite under a tub, but I am not a plumber. Add to Cart. Everyday 60 in. You need to use a bonding agent and possibly add some sand to your base coat, as well as scarify it, for any successive coats. Being gypsum based the plaster will come apart and flake when there is water intrusion from a leak or a mopping. Using Mortar - Vicrel Tub. All cement products reach their stated strength in 28-days, but reach probably 70% in the first day or so. My question isn't about whether to do this or not, but rather if I chose to, could I in my situation. Re: neo angle shower pan install 2; Author: packy (MA) you can't "shock mount" a shower like the exhaust system of your car in case the house sinks. . Structolite plaster is a light weight conventional basecoat plaster designed to be applied at a minimum of 1/2" thick and finished with our Red Top Aggregated Gauging Plaster. . Also, if there’s a gap between the tub flange and studs use a shim. Akin to plaster-a-paris (spelling). Being gypsum based the plaster will come apart and flake when there is water intrusion from a leak or a mopping. 2. structuro lite is a base coat plaster that is gypsum based. The tub should be SET in Structolite and leveled. Some plumbers tip out or move the units to work on the drain. One more acceptable substrate to recieve Structolite is RockLath. It is light because it's mixed with perlite. Let it squeeze out one side so the whole pan has structolite under it and there will be no air gaps and any kind of flexing in the floor. Buy a bag of Structolite base plaster. Reply. We then remove the tub, pour the Structolite (keeping it a few inches away from where the drain hole will be), then drop the tub and tap it down. Americast also does not have a foam coating on the bottom; the resin itself accomplished the insulating task. Store SKU # 122242. D. by. These are all done for support so that the tub stays level and does not move. When the mixture is too stiff for the whisk, I switch to a plastic spatula. Next. What to put under American Standard Shower base; Author: kgssully (MA) I have an Acorn (I think) base and put structolite under it to firm up and level it. Here's 800 lbs on my old club layout. My plumber has just installed the whirlpool tub and used a product called structolite. its a lightweight plaster setting compound. x 76 in. same sound at the raised end and the faucet end. It is light because it's mixed with perlite. Welcome to John Bridge / Tile Your World, the friendliest DIY Forum on the InternetThe foam has been carved and primed with latex primer for adhesion. The process is a pain in the ass, but the end results are so worth it. I wouldn't use structolite under a tub, but I am not a plumber. Great Stuff is an insulating foam with a relatively light density (something like 2psf). well, structo lite is not mortar. With virtually no maintenance required, unlike that of natural stone, Durastone is the most practical choice for your vanity top needs. I plan to rip out the tub in a couple months budget willing and DIY it with a real base like structolite. Mix 3-5 lbs small amount of water until dough like. Kohler/sterling tubs have VERY specific bedding substrate instructions. i. Being gypsum based the plaster will come apart and flake when there is water intrusion from a leak or a mopping. structuro lite is a base coat plaster that is gypsum based. Structolite is a brand name for a product I've found invaluable in the repair and saving of plaster and lath walls and ceilings. I wouldn't use structolite under a tub, but I am not a plumber. For more h. [Archive] structolite Tile Forum/Advice Board. Press the tub down so that the mix spreads out evenly to support entire tub bottom. #3. Durabond is powder drywall compound - except it dries like a rock!! The 20, 45, and 90 #'s refer to the setting time (in minutes). I use the DAP Plastic Wood to fill small seams or gaps since it's so easy to apply and comes already pre-mixed in small re-sealable tubs (plus, it's already wood-colored). I'd rather go directly over unpainted bricks any day of the week, as you do not have to rely on the integrity of the paint to support the plaster, even though it seems to key in pretty well on rough bricks. Couple of months ago a friend of mine was repairing a 10" crack in the bottom of a tub, we were both thinking of what we could use to reinforce the bottom. Send your folder saved under My Favorites to friends and relatives. If you set the tub in concrete and the way this tub designed were the bottom of it under tension when filled, and when you drain the tub, it will pop up like a basketball, then you have bigger problems. It is light because it's mixed with perlite. 2. AutoCAD Plumbing Block Library provider, ArchBlocks, offers high quality and unique architectural AutoCAD plumbing symbols for bathroom & kitchen CAD drawings. . (125) Questions & Answers (95) Lightweight; weighs less than half as much as sanded plaster. . structuro lite is a base coat plaster that is gypsum based. The Structolite contains fine perlite, that in my opinion, yields great scenery. 66 (10 %)Watch start to finish as I set a fiberglass shower pan in a bath being remodeled and give tips and tricks for a successful installation. structuro lite is a base coat plaster that is gypsum based. well, structo lite is not mortar. Being gypsum based the plaster will come apart and flake when there is water intrusion from a leak or a mopping. Remember this figure. He said. Back in January we shared the first steps we were taking to properly restore our original plaster walls. Not sure if it from the Structolite but wanted to get opinions on this before I install the American Standard base on my second floor.