1. . ago. Offense down, if you can make it last. Turn 3 - mordo special Thor for guaranteed stun when t4ed. ago. so here is a guide to beat AIM teams. In Marvel Strike Force (MSF), players can step into the well-renowned Marvel Universe to protect the world from enemies. Alliance War Team Counters Info-graphic (OC) I spent a few hours today and made this. 14. ago. Another one on punch down usually +50k is Brother 2. Cosmic Crucible – Team Counters. r/MarvelStrikeForce. Not sure how spelling out each team every time would look when you get to hundreds of lines. 11 Best War Defense Teams In Marvel Strike Force By Daniel Dilena Updated Sep 9, 2022 Having the best War Defense Team in Marvel Strike Force is the ideal scenario. Even just killing one reduces Red Skulls damage reduction by 25%. 3. They also pre-empt the arrival of Doc Ock and Electro as well! If in doubt with. Best counter to zemo is a zemo of your own. MSF. The Alliance War Defense list is a list of the best MSF teams used in AW defense. The offensive phase for Alliance Wars in Marvel Strike Force lasts 24 hours. Black Order in the hands of the AI is stupid cause you can predict that it will try flip buffs while trauma is active. Mine are 210k outside of war. I know the immediate response is msf vault on discord, and while that does have a pretty good list for raids and war, none of those list have been updated for awhile. This is an excellent mode for mid to high-tier players to earn tons of gear and character shards for some mighty. That usually gets me a kill on Dormmammu. Is there an up to date war counter list out there? The msf. The room was only defense down on spawn. Elsa and ghost rider are both just 35k though and they are the most damaging toons of the group. War Counter Bot . . MARVEL Strike Force - The Unexpected Heroes for Hire Counter! - Daily MSF Streams @ 1pm PST!Today we're talking about a surprise co. 9. I’ve built up my WX team. The Young Avengers have War Defense passives that reduce Assist chance to zero, making Nebula a non-factor in this fight. . Since my goal is to help MSF players as much as I can, I’ve decided to do what you asked and divide content as you asked. Most teams/members are repeated. The only way to see who they work best against is to scroll down all of the counters to see where they pop up. Then focus down beast and it is all over. The only improvement will be in War Defense, so if you have strong Marauders or if you are using Emma in some other AW defense Mutant Villain synergy, you. WAR STORE. Also trying to consider mobile viewing. These selections are highly. . ago. Go in with a chump team to waste their Ults then follow up with a team that will deal good ass-fucking-tier damage. I would log in whenever I can just to spend some time here, and not there. Turn 2 BP1mm ult on Dormammu. Yup this definitely works and u pretty much just need rogue gambit and cable. KCCCellist • 4 yr. I just used weapon x on the weapon x team and eternals against eternals. As a result, the score threshold of what constitutes a typical ‘winning. As some have said. What If. MLF also had a 6 turn ability, so we knew that would not affect Rogue being great. I know there are other guides out there that give more granular data, like the msf. Stage 4 – Vibranium Tuning. ago. rng blind on pyro makes it tough but can still win. ago. Alliance War Offense and Justified targets. - Let me know in the Comments what You thought about the Videoand Subscribe for more Marvel Strike Force Content- Help Keeping the Lights On by Becoming a Me. If in doubt with rosters because of the new toons, refer to a previous post for older/more farmable teams. But nevertheless doc oc is a beast on war (both offense and defense). BO will counter but there are much better uses for them. These selections are highly. #marvelstrikeforce #cosmiccrucible #tangledweb⚡⚡ Download and Install Bluestacks 5 Here to play Marvel Strike Force on PC and help the channel out! Let me know in the Comments what You thought about the Videoand Subscribe for more Marvel Strike Force Content- Help Keeping the Lights On by Becoming a Me. In a perfect world I'd instantly replace NN with SG. As Colleen Wing is the strongest opponent in this battle, you must make sure she dies early and can’t return. Alternate that I like is Eternals + Doom + 2 filler, they can also do great against H4H. A variety of characters are needed to unlock this… Read More Follow @GamingFansDFN Tweets by GamingFansDFN Star Wars Galaxy of Heros June 26, 2023 SWGoH: Best Mods for Captain Rex Marvel Strike Force May 24, 2023 MSF: War Counters April 18, 2023 It is crucial that you have a counter team when you enter the Alliance War in MSF, as this increases your chances of winning the war. Currently I’m using Eternals + New warriors as an offense team (platinum 1) to counter H4H or other eternals. Turn 5 - witch extends everything, but most importantly, Thor's stun. mediocrityismygame • 1 yr. MSF: Changes to Alliance War. MSF Counters. Get up to 20% off in-app purchases using my Amazon Coins Affiliate Link MARVEL Strike Force on your PC at 60fps! 2020. Just wanted to let everyone know. vexedvox • 2 yr. Any clue where I can find the most recent one so I know what to build up Related Topics Marvel Strike Force Mobile game Action role-playing game Gaming Role-playing video game Action game comments sorted by. by absynthe7. Shadowlands only works if they target Electra consistently, same with X factor. Welcome back to MSF Mondays! Each week we break down one more aspect of the hottest mobile game, Marvel Strike Force! This article has been updated on 1/18/23. Join my Discord by become a member of the channelAnd get access to all kinds of MSF related stuff, requests and conversationsthat are going on thereby pressi. randombullet555 • 1 yr. Adding insult. Rogue at 2/2 would have made the mutant nodes almost a joke. Posted By: ljcool110 October 18, 2022. Ive been collecting data from as many top alliances as possible over the last 48 hours and have a list of counters that work wonders against Red Skull and Hydra in Alliance war. MSF Guides. Xmen w/Phoenix is a hard counter to them. It is true that war dogs as a team is better than wakandans, so people are probably failing to evaluate the individual characters. MSF Counters: How to Beat the Web-Warrior Team TOPICS: Bionic Avengers Deathlok Ghost Spider Hulkbuster Iron Man MGF_JB MSF War Counters. Then they lost to a 388k X-men (same one they beat earlier). 8K views 2 years ago Marvel Strike Force (MSF) - War Series: The Best Marauder. com has you covered with our new Cosmic Crucible counters content. As its war I don't really want to use brute force and just overkill it massively with things like bo, SL. F4 with Namor or X-Force. For clearing the initial War Saga Heroic, we’ve used Gamma with minimum requirements – all Gamma characters are T15 with average RS, including Red Hulk who is on just 3 RS for this occasion. X2 slow debuffs, preferably aoe/team. Having 4 characters in 2 teams will cost you 240 Blitz Charges per day in total if you have. They were specifically built to hard-counter 8W. 160k+ power each . Like, I have a 200k Wakandan team on offense. Unlike for special and ultimate abilities, it is not mandatory to spend T4 for Emma’s passive. Best. ago. IW can but it can be difficult or tight. Stage 1 – Portable Shield Device. 1. MSF. phoenix, iw, ultron, RR, sl at 280 k power can beat over 400 k x-men/ultron. For some teams, I may use the same characters because it is acceptable to have 3-4 characters that are used in another team. Updated on Friday, Jun. nust have blobs attak south offense up higher than mags to make this win rate 100%. DehydratedH20 • 1 yr. Specifically, his turn 1 damage is way higher and he can easily chain someone to death. I like symbiotes but they need to punch down a little to be reliable. They work great at lower levels and they have a lot of value rj without needing a lot of commitment. Enter your Roster and War Defense details into MSF Web to take full advantage of the Counter command's capabilities! View Counter Command Info Alliance War Offense and Justified targets. - Let me know in the Comments what You thought about the Videoand Subscribe for more Marvel Strike Force Content- Help Keeping the Lights On by Becoming a Me. Justjack91 • 1 yr. vexedvox • 2 yr. Since my goal is to help MSF players as much as I can, I’ve decided to do what you asked and divide content as you asked. Anyone know a counter kestrel shield team. [deleted] • 2 yr. . If you have a good Xforce, they are good on punch down, and punch up when you have tried several times and know well the rotation. Interesting my 530K Weapon X team has been taking out 1million BOs during War practice without any of them even dropping out of the Green. Jump to the specific Asgardian War counters (more coming soon): Aimtron; Black Order; Cyclops X-menThought this would be helpful. It will be interesting to see the war changes . 1. Shadowlands. Shuri merc is the one with killmonger and shuri along with the usual merc team. gg bot is great. War machine he's a damn liability!ADVERTISEMENT Most Popular Active Events Team Counters Challenges Current Meta Scourge Guides Saga Guides New Players. Thought I would ability block longshot and go from there. Many have no experience against a doc oc so some of those cancelled attacks might have been wins but opponent just cancelled so others can practise against it so they know what to do in more competitive wars. SWGoH 101: Exponential Explanations (Character Levels). Marvel Church. Marvel Strike Force Mobile game Action role-playing game Gaming Role-playing video game Action game. MSF Guides. Kinda sad, with Thanos, you could literally use anyone to beat him. com for help in all areas of Marvel Strike Force including Offensive Counters in Alliance Wars and more. . js on the server side, and Google Sheets as a data store. For those pure WW d’s you’ll see, prepare to wreak havoc! With great power comes great responsibility commanders, use it well!The main drawback is that he's very a much a War character and not on Arena character so it's not a perfect fit. In addition, look to Gaming-fans. . Marvel Strike Force (MSF) is an exciting mobile game that allows players to indulge themselves in the fictional Marvel Universe. Use Amazon Coins to save up to 20% on your Marvel Strike Force purchases by using my Affiliate Link!: to hang out with me? You ca. Recently I've managed to punch across on WX a couple times. Last one against 388k X-men and 410k symbiotes. View Strong and Weak Team Counters with specific Power recommendations. pretty much focus down the taunter, and the odd time the. The. That's why we've decided to include a couple of other MSF War Defense teams, so players can have plenty of options for defending their Alliance. Regular X-Men teams (either Cyclops or Psylocke both) can punch up a little bit but you still have to play the match-up right. 0 vs 400k mercs edit2. At this moment it is possible to assemble 48 different teams. Use Morgan special on Agatha, you need disrupt on Agatha and ab on Morgan and you should win. IW destroys them. The offensive phase for Alliance Wars in Marvel Strike Force lasts 24 hours. They have no cleanse. New Players. Any other options? Infinity Watch, kill Dark Beast first. against 205k, had my AIM Sec taunt twice and die, but the match was already in the bag. . Use Amazon Coins to save up to 20% on your Marvel Strike Force purchases by using my Affiliate Link!: to hang out with me? You ca. Let Players Grind, Remove Event Point Limits!! 120. Then since u have Black Panther adjacent to Nakia, u now have the option to ult turn 1. No Gravitron and all the others are low, except Scientist Supreme. Great answer though g 💯👍. . Ultimately i think it turned out to be the right thing for the game. so here is a guide to beat AIM teams. H. I have a 521k team, and in the last few wars they usually get 1-2 successful defenses.